Thursday, December 12, 2013

Immersive Libraries and Museums

The Libraries and Museum Technology Working Group (LAM. TWG) inform users about the virtua world and what can be done inside them. They are highly educational and play a huge role in Immersive Education.

Libraries and museums provide information on 3D photos, videos, and sounds. Scripts and writing are another factor as well. Because of these libraries and museums, people all over the world are able to connect with each other virtually. These virtual libraries can be compared to real life libraries, since both provide users with endless knowledge and information.

Another comparable factor with the libraries and museums is that they have librarians! These librarians are expected to be employed until further notice since they help update resources and keep the information and data piling in. Librarians play a crucial role with TWG just as much as they do at your local library.

To be a member, one must be a part of the Immersive Education Initiative and contain 1 of the 3 following: real library or museum experience, digital library experience, or experience creating virtual worlds. The 2 chair members of TWG are Jerome Yvarkovsky and Melissa A. Carrillo.

WebGL Chrome Experiments that FAIL IN FIREFOX

WebGL Chrome Experiments the FAIL IN FIREFOX

The Following Worked in Firefox:
Sudoku Helper
Brain Reslicing
Goo Video Sphere
Saint Jean Cathedral 
Kine Man Interactive 3D Skeleton 
Wager Field
Maze 3D- WebGL
Pits Special Demo
Are You Being Watched?
Project Windstorm
Car Visualizer
The Hobbit
Little WorkShop
Cross Hatching 
Google Map Cube
Depth of Field
WebGL Terrain 
Space Run 3D II
WebGL Bookcase
Squishy Earth
WebGL Attractors Trip
Goodbye Silverstein 
Spherical Environmental Mapping

The Following Failed in Firefox:
100,000 Stars
Chaos to Perfection
Just A Reflector
Find Your Way to Oz

Final #3: Group Building Project

It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Final 6

Here are screenshots of my library in Meshmoon. All the screenshots show the additions of 10 videos, 5 research papers, 5 pdf files, and 5 of my personal photo's. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at


Final #1

Assignment #1 - Text

This is the animated text that I created.

Assignment #2 - Object

I created an animation using the oval tool, with a gradient inside the circle

 Assignment #3 - Image

Yung Juelz Da Gawd

Assignment #4 - All three (Text, Image, Object) Combined

Final 6 PDF links

A critical practice-based exploration of interactive panoramas' role in helping to preserve cultural memory:

The Effect of Embodied Experiences on Self-Other Merging, Attitude, and Helping Behavior:

Immediation as process and practice of signaletic mattering:

Continuous Movement, Fluid Music, and Expressive Immersive Interactive Technology: The Sound and Touch of Ether’s Flux:

Improvising Synesthesia: Comprovisation of Generative Graphics and Music:

WebGL Chrome Experiments Using Google Chrome's Browser

Ok, this is probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen being that I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan. This is the entire map recreated virtually and I could not be more baffled that this even exists. At first I ran through Rivendell leading the way with my green waves of magic. Next, I'm at the abandoned dwarf fortress known as Erebor trying to sweet talk my way out of getting killed by a giant dragon residing there.

Here is the link for Middle Earth:

Next up we have what is called Tunneltilt. This is basically a colorful maze that you have to steer through using the black circle at the bottom of both screenshots.

Tunneltilt link:

Lastly, we have what is called Hermit Crab. Basically it's a bunch of hermit crabs in a bucket of water. When you click on the link and look inside the bucket, you can see the hermit crabs squirming around and it's a pretty cool site.

Hermit Crabs link:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Final #4: High Resolution Avatar

Here is the process I took in creating my High Resolution Avatar. I simply started off with a naked body, giving him a sad face because he is naked. Then of course I had to attempt to clothe him somewhat, and weigh my options with a new face and hairdo. I went with spikey hair to help build his self esteem, but unfortunately his beer belly got the best of him and he remains sad.  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

3D Building Project Responsibilities Latter

Class 10 Assignment 3: The Education Grid

Here are screenshots of the website Click on any image to be redirected to the website. This website contains users that range from students, teachers, or to anyone wanting to interact through a virtual world with each other privately and secure. The user has the choice to have their world be viewed privately or publicly, and the site does not contain an age restriction.


This screenshot is the updated version of my game on the Greenfoot website. I replaced my face with the Snake because I felt as if I look like I'm getting ready to eat something, similar to the snake eating the turtle. I simply used the "Set Image" selection in the Greenfoot program to replace the snake and turtle with these images. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Link to Game:

Work in Progress:

Final 5b: Greenfoot Lettuce and Snake

Here is a screenshot of my game "Trick the Turtle" being played on the Greenfoot website. I created this game using machine coding with JAVA. The turtles are coded to bounce off the walls and eat the lettuce, while being chased by a Snake trying to eat the turtles. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Link to game:

Work in Progress:

Final 5a: Greenfoot JOC #4 Finally some code!

Here is my screenshot of 3 turtles rotating in a circle. I used JAVA and code to make this happen. I opened the editor in Greenfoot and used the move and turn code to make the turtles rotate.  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Work in Progress: