Thursday, November 7, 2013

WebGL Summary

WebGL is a program created by the Khronos Group that is used to make 2D and 3D shapes. It was first introduced in 2006 by Vladimir Vukićević who was working for Mozilla at the time. AppleGoogleMozilla, and Opera were all on board with the Khronos Group in 2009 to develop it. WebGL was not released until 2 years after in 2011 backed by chairman Ken Russell. The second version of WebGL is currently being developed this year. WebGL is compatible with several computer and mobile browsers including : Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safair, Opera, Internet Explorer, Android Browser, BlackBerry Playbook, Firefox for mobile, Firefox OS, Memo, Opera  mobile, Tizen 1.0, Ubuntu Touch, Web OS, and iOS.

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